# School
🔆 Some with no effects... But useful clues...
In second grade, I was suddenly taken out of class to an office one day, where a guy from the state university spent all day and most of the next testing me with the full Stanford-Binet, and reported my IQ as 160. The school system responded with a decree that I must be treated exactly like all the other kids, and do exactly the same class work.
(I can't date this beyond second grade, the school burned, evidence gone!)
Around 20 October 1954. Â Â 1 min read.
â™» And here is the tortured birth process of the theories...
Without words to recall and research my inner memories of childhood, they faded to insignificance behind the onslaught of fascinating technology I discovered during my teen years. Soon after I entered the engineering curriculum at the University, I was reading Ayn Rand's Objectivism and looking to the conscious mind for answers to all of life's questions. And then the 'Death of God' made the cover of Time magazine...
Around 1 April 1968. Â Â 4 min read.